This page lists the changes of each release. However, minor details may be omitted.

(May 30, 2015)
New Features:
  • Added button to access the Game Menu via mouse.
  • Added button to maximize/restore the battle log.
  • Added mention in battle log when the duration of Anti-Magic and/or Black Box ends.
  • Telekinesis can no longer move pieces into or out of Black Box.
UI Fixes/Improvements:
  • Fixed cursor not always being updated properly when dismissing a dialog.
  • Tweaks for in-game layout, including some added padding to the left and right of the battle log in order to give the text some breathing space.
(Jan. 8, 2014)
UI Fixes/Improvements:
  • Added missing Poison status effect icon in the spell description for Poison Arrow.
  • Fixed issue with animated strings that caused animations to freeze on some systems.
  • Fixed team name editor to correctly enforce the maximum character length (currently 20), even when pasting text.
  • Tweaks for font sizes, including fix for a potential text-overflow issue.
(Dec. 31, 2013)
New Features:
  • Added countdown (of 3 seconds) between turns.
  • Added animated strings for Dmg dealt by poison.
  • Added mention of Dmg dealt by poison in battle log when applicable.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed bug that allowed Dark Mage to cast Black Box for more turns than the available mana should permit.
  • Increased size of the board's squares from 60x60 pixels to 64x64 pixels.
  • Multiple animated strings can now display in a single square simultaneously.
  • Optimized animations to avoid many unneeded repaints.
  • Renamed the main Java class from BattleBoardzApp to BattleBoardz, in order to display the correct title in Gnome Shell's top panel.
(Jun. 29, 2012)
  • Initial release of the Java re-write. Older versions are now referred to as BattleBoardz Legacy.
New Features:
  • New user interface, which is 1024x600 pixels and replaces all legacy UI's.
  • New matches can now be played without restarting the program.
  • Added Battle Log to the game: at any point during a match, a player can scroll through the history of the actions performed and their results.
  • The amount of Dmg dealt or "Miss!"/"Block!" is now displayed in a square wherever applicable.
  • Changed the move rules to be per move method, rather than per class.
    - Foot move method can move to any adjacent square.
    - Horse move method can move to any adjacent square, or move two squares away (but not diagonally), jumping over a piece if necessary.
    - Teleport move method can move to any square within a 5x5 box of squares around them.
  • Double Dmg functionality changed to "Enhance target ally's Attack Dmg by x2 until they successfully strike with an attack or arrow."
    - In BattleBoardz Legacy, the status effect was removed if the attack or arrow was blocked.
    - Now, the removal condition for the Double Dmg status effect is the same as for the Confuse status effect.
  • Earthquake no longer has a minimum Dmg of 1.
    - If the integer division results in 0 for a given piece, that piece will not take any damage from the spell.
  • Confuse functionality changed to "Reduce target enemy's % Hit to 40 until they successfully strike with an attack or arrow."
    - The removal condition for the Confuse status effect is same as in BattleBoardz Legacy, but the actual effect has been re-designed.
  • X-Fer Energy functionality changed to "Transfer as much MP as possible to target other magic-user."
  • "Quick Game Setup" and "Custom Game Setup" have been replaced by a single "Play New Game" screen for game setup. A board template is selected based on the selected options, and a preview of the given template is displayed.
  • "Options" has been replaced by "Game Menu", accessible by pressing F10 during a match. This menu provides a way to exit the match without exiting the program. The old options have all been obsoleted.
    - UI switching has been replaced by the new UI.
    - "Display Turn Message" is no longer a popup.
    - "Blink Border of Selected Piece" was removed.
    - "Show Stats on Hover" is now always enabled.
    - "Auto-Choose 'Move' Action Upon Selecting Piece" is now always enabled.
  • Many textual improvements, including the Attack, Defend and Spell descriptions.
  • Improved consistency of information message and warning message dialogs.
  • Version format has been changed to <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<REVISION>.

Legacy VersionChanges
(Jan. 18, 2009)
  • Fixed a bug that occured when switching back and forth between the two User Interfaces.
(Jan. 17, 2009)
  • Added support for widescreen displays with resolution of at least 1024x600. There are now two User Interfaces in the Options: Standard (min. resolution: 1024x768) and Widescreen (min. resolution: 1024x600).
  • Removed the ability from the Options to disable Show Turn #; it must be enabled in order to see the countdown until Draw Game when both teams have only 1 piece.
  • Changed in-game 'EXIT' hotkey to F12.
  • Changed (reduced) Max. Attack Dmg of King from 75 to 50.
  • Changed (increased) % To Hit of King from 50 to 60.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the in-game options to not completely cover the content behind it when playing Board Size Large (7x7).
  • Fixed a bug that occasionaly caused the Dmg to not display in the Attack Results window.
(Jan. 11, 2009)
  • Changed targetting rules for the spell Confuse from 'target' to 'target enemy'.
  • Changed targetting rules for the spell Mind Drain from 'target other magic-user' to 'target enemy magic-user'.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the 'OK' button for the spell Heal to not highlight on hover when valid.
(Jan. 5, 2009)
  • Fixed a bug that caused AppTitle to not appear in taskbar when using hotkey to minimize while in fullscreen.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Board Size Large (7x7) to not display properly.
  • Adjusted playing in window to initialize the window in the top-center of screen instead of the top-left.
(Dec. 28, 2008)